Vision & Ethos

Be Creative - Be Authentic - Be Your Best

A Centre of Excellence for the Arts and Culture

Willow Grove Primary School is a dynamic learning community with high standards of behaviour, academic excellence and creativity at its core. Through rigorous academic standards, we lead boldly and prepare students for success in a rapidly changing world. We provide opportunities to engage with the Arts and Culture in an exciting, diverse curriculum and promote reading for pleasure to ignite curiosity and nurture imagination. We aim to develop intrinsic motivation for a lifelong love of learning. Through our approach, we empower pupils to express themselves authentically and support them to become who they want to be.

Aims and Values 

  • Invests in professional development to ensure high quality teaching and learning
  • A safe, nurturing environment that values equity, diversity and inclusion
  • A school where every pupil has the opportunity to work and play creatively and take part in the Arts
  • The expectation that all pupils can achieve the highest of academic success
  • Promotes high standards of behaviour and builds strong relationships
  • An exciting and unique curriculum that celebrates the Arts and Culture and explores the local environment and context
  • Promotes and sustains British Values and our own school values, built around strengths of character
  • Develops reading for pleasure, as a core part of our pedagogy to support learning in all subjects
  • To work closely with the local community
  • Ensures that pupils achieve well in national assessments
  • Prepares pupils for life after Willow Grove